Udemy for Recurring Income
Learn how to make passive income on Udemy with my step-by-step course. Discover how to create high-quality videos on a budget, promote your courses, and validate your course ideas. Avoid the pitfalls that cause many Udemy instructors to fail. Start earning money today.
- 3 Sections
- 25 Lessons
- 0 Quizzes
- 2h 45m Duration
Audio - Udemy for Recurring Income
12 Lessons0 Quizzes
- 01 – Introduction
- 02 - Why Udemy
- 03 - How to Come up With Profitable Udemy Course Ideas
- 04 - Creating an Outline for your Udemy Course
- 05 – Getting Prepared to Record your Udemy Videos
- 06 - Creating your Udemy Videos
- 07 – Create a High Converting Landing Page
- 08 - Pricing Your Udemy Course
- 09 – Create a Pre-launch Sales Funnel for your Udemy Course
- 10 – Launching your Udemy Course and Further Promotion
- 11 - Best Practises for Success with Udemy Courses
- 12 – Conclusion
Video - Udemy for Recurring Income
12 Lessons0 Quizzes
- 01 – Introduction
- 02 – Why Udemy
- 03 – How to Come up With Profitable Udemy Course Ideas
- 04 - Creating an Outline for your Udemy Course
- 05 – Getting Prepared to Record your Udemy Videos
- 06 - Creating your Udemy Videos
- 07 – Create a High Converting Landing Page
- 08 - Pricing Your Udemy Course
- 09 – Create a Pre-launch Sales Funnel for your Udemy Course
- 10 – Launching your Udemy Course and Further Promotion
- 11 - Best Practises for Success with Udemy Courses
- 12 – Conclusion
Udemy for Recurring Income Book
1 Lesson0 Quizzes
- Udemy for Recurring Income pdf